It’s pretty normal for the prices of holiday destinations and vacation homes to go up during the holidays season but fear not, according to a Vrbo study it’s entirely possible to get your dream vacati…
Bon Jovi Just Started a Non-Profit Business That Could Save College Students’ Lives
According to Jon Bon Jovi’s JBJ Soul Kitchen, one in three students pursuing a 4 year degree at a US college struggle with obtaining consistent food and food insecurity is a very real thing in this co…
Important Factors You NEED to Consider Before Starting that DIY Project
For most of those who don’t want to spend a penny on buying things or for those who are just crafty in nature, do-it-yourself projects are a no-brainer. After all, just by merely looking at it on YouT…
Unnamed Millionaire Bought the Priciest Penthouse in London for $85 Million…