For most people, work occupies most of our time and it’s easy to understand why. With rent, bills to be paid and paying for daily essentials, we need to work up to optimum levels as much to live and survive. It’s not the best of times, but unfortunately, that is how the world works. But most of us will get into a daily rut by routinely getting to and fro from work, having your meal, watching television, sleeping and then repeating this. What else can we do with our lives? Soon, we begin to resent our jobs and even society and end up feeling very unfulfilled. Is there a way to change this without creating problems for the self and family?
Creating own goals
As we progress on our journey to adulthood, we tend to forget our childhood hobbies or talents we nurtured. And if you begin to think about the pastimes forsaken, you tend to really miss these. So how about considering a revival? Most people will dismiss the suggestion with standard answers like not having time or inability to do it anymore. Says who? Playing the guitar and reigniting your love for music, creates a positive goal. Your goals could be to take a musical exam in six months, or even form and work with your band in the coming months. Having set yourself achievable goals, you are likely to form a habit of achieving them and you may soon wonder why you quit.
Stop comparing with others
Stop comparing yourself, with other people, or your past, and your present. If you’re a person to find negatives in all aspects of your life by comparing your situation to others, you will never be happy. To achieve fulfilment, you learn to accept your current situation and work on changing it, or what more you would like to achieve.
Ensure time for yourself
Most people seem to spend their time working, sparing no time for themselves. But if you work out the maths, it’s incorrect. A standard week has 168 hours, and you spend 40 hours at work, 56 hours sleeping , leaving 72 hours a week for yourself. With chores to do in these 72 hours, you have time to learn new skills, relax completely, reignite passions or visit friends. These leave you feeling fulfilled, without being work obsessed!
Go traveling frequently
Traveling helps you find yourself, expand horizons, provides fulfilling experiences in everyone’s life, besides exploring new cultures, finding new places, having new friends, while exploring Nature, not possible in an office! Traveling changes your perspective of life and you revalue happiness and how our own lives play out.
Giving back
One very valuable lesson to learn is giving back to Society. You could help change other people’s lives, while learning about yourself and make your life more fulfilling. Be charitable, helpful and generous, without involving major life changes, starting from the very bottom. It could be helping an elderly neighbor, or traveling to a less-developed country to help less-fortunate souls. If you feel unfulfilled in your daily life, consider lifestyle changes that make a difference! Initiating some changes will make a drastic difference to your life. Spend more time on yourself, and less time on work-worries, money and on other people, for a more rewarding life. For your company too, charity works looks good for them.