Every teenager wishes to earn cash without full-time employment? How does one become a summer entrepreneur? Teenagers can begin their businesses and make money in summer by creative thinking about interests and strengths. Summer is a good time for teenagers who want to earn some cash but hesitate to take up a job which they will leave in some weeks as they head back to college or school. By using their creativity about their strengths and interests, teens can kick-start their own business and earn some cash before summer ends. Pass along great, creative business ideas, to your teens to get them started.
Sell home-grown plants and handcrafted goods

You can earn a few quick bucks by selling hand-crafted items at your near-by farmer’s market or on social media pages that target your community. Consider hand-made items, like bows and hair scrunchies, home decor, or signs with paintings on them. Or, you can grow seasonal flowers, herbs and vegetables, from seed and sell them profitably.
Provide tech support, setup assistance with virtual assistant business
Many need help in getting printers to work wirelessly or for installing a new tablet. These tech tasks might take you 15 minutes, and over an hour for the less tech-savvy types. Offer skills as a valuable service or offer training sessions for seniors to update technology skills. You show clients how to FaceTime with family members and prepare cheat-sheet for reference. Many small business owners lack time or expertise to update websites, create TikTok videos, or even take photos. You provide an array of digital services using smartphones. Snap pictures, create short videos, and edit them for use on websites and social media channels
Start a pet or child check-in or babysitting service
Babysitting, dog-walking or pet-sitting are excellent summer starter ideas for teens without full-day assistance. Market your services to families struggling with separation anxiety!
Offer mobile car detailing

Visit customer’s homes to provide a thorough cleaning for vehicles. How about Sunday car detailing services for families coming back home from their vacations, with a very messy car, is a viable proposition. They attend to unpacking while you restore their vehicle to pristine levels.
Help at parties or events
If you love hosting parties, then consider helping out others hosting events by providing setup and clean-up services or assistance, in managing the party. Tasks include organizing kid games while adults relax, blowing and hanging ribbons, balloons, festoons and after the event ends, picking up trash.
Junk removal
Service-based businesses are very popular with teens. Many seniors could use a set of extra hands to remove an old TV, microwave, or broken furniture from their homes. Offer to remove items from their homes and on garbage day, carry unwanted items to the curb for trash or load electronic goods into their car for drop-offs.
Perform garage, shed, yard and porch clean-outs

Offer to freshen up and help organize exterior spaces, pull out summer supplies like chairs and cushions, clean/grease hand gardening tools, and clean up sheds or porches. Once cleaned, put it back together, with everything within easy reach. Apart from mowing grass, you offer services for landscaping, flower-tending and vegetable gardens, by pulling weeds, hedge management or transplants by digging holes. Also, seniors need help to pick up random garbage and toys left behind by kids besides pooper-scooper assistance for pets to people.